Happy New Year from The Eye Gallery! We already have some amazing events planned for 2020! We’ll be launching the new year with one of our most popular trunk shows – Anne et Valentin. Come ring in the new year with our talented Eye Gallery Reps at our River Oaks Location!
Anne et Valentin is an innovative eyewear company hailing from Toulouse, France. Their impeccably crafted glasses and ever-evolving styles keep creativity alive in the world of luxury eyewear.
Save the Date!
WHAT: Anne et Valentin TRUNK SHOW!WHERE: River Oaks Location
WHEN: January 24th & 25th

Our curiosity is what defines us. Our thirst for knowledge is endless. In Anne&Valentin’s creative studio, our designers foster a culture of constant research. Design is at the very center of it: how can we redefine lines and volumes, rethink the rapport between reliefs and faces, draw from the various artistic currents that have left their mark in History?
Call our River Oaks Location to Reserve Your spot!

Our Eye Gallery representatives can make sure you find the perfect fit for you…..

Don’t be afraid to mix things up this year! You don’t need to stick to just one frame syle. A bold chunky frame, a simple wire-rim, a classic tortoise-shell, or a bold pop of color – there are flattering frame shapes for everyone’s face!

#AddictiveEyewear #EyeGalleryHouston #AnneEtValentin